Patrick, P. A., Canter, J. F., Brumberg, H. L., Dozor, D., Aboudi, D., Smith, M., Sandhu, S., Trinidad, N., LaGamma, E., & Altman, R. L. (2021). Implementing a Hospital-Based Safe Sleep Program for Newborns and Infants. Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, 21(3), 222–231. Evidence Rating: Emerging Intervention Components (click on component to see a list of all articles that use that intervention): HEALTH_CARE_PROVIDER_PRACTICE, Provider Training/Education, Nurse/Nurse Practitioner, PROFESSIONAL_CAREGIVER, Education/Training (caregiver), HOSPITAL, Quality Improvement, Crib card, Audit/Attestation Intervention Description: A multidisciplinary team developed a quality improvement initiative to create a hospital-based safe sleep environment for all newborns and infants prior to discharge. The safe sleep initiative included two key elements: (1) parent education about safe infant sleep that included verifying their understanding of safe sleep, and (2) modeling of safe infant sleep environment by hospital staff. To monitor compliance, documentation of parent education, caregiver surveys, and hospital crib check audits were tracked monthly. A visual safe sleep “crib ticket”—a checklist of safe sleep guidelines-- was placed at the bedside of newborns who were ready for supine positioning. Investigators used Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to evaluate the impact of the initiative from October 2015 through February 2018. Intervention Results: Safe sleep education was documented for all randomly checked records (n = 440). A survey (n = 348) revealed that almost all caregivers (95.4%) reported receiving information on safe infant sleep. Initial compliance with all criteria in WBN (n = 281), NICU (n = 285), and general pediatric inpatient units (n = 121) was 0%, 0%, and 8.3%, respectively. At 29 months, WBN and NICU compliance with all criteria was 90% and 100%, respectively. At 7 months, general pediatric inpatient units' compliance with all criteria was 20%. Conclusion: WBN, NICU and general pediatric inpatient unit collaboration with content experts led to unit-specific strategies that improved safe sleep practices.
Setting: Well-baby nursery (WBN) and NICU in an academic, quaternary care, regional referral center Population of Focus: Hospital staff Access AbstractShow More