Binkley C, Garrett B, Johnson K. Increasing dental care utilization by Medicaid-eligible children: a dental care coordinator intervention. J Public Health Dent. 2010;70(1):76-84.
Intervention Components (click on component to see a list of all articles that use that intervention): CAREGIVER, Home Visit (caregiver), Educational Material (caregiver), Oral Health Product, Patient Navigation (Assistance), PROVIDER/PRACTICE, Outreach (Provider), Education/Training (caregiver)
Intervention Description: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a dental care coordinator intervention on increasing dental utilization by Medicaid-eligible children compared with a control group.
Intervention Results: Dental utilization during the study period was significantly higher in the intervention group (43 percent) than in the control group (26 percent). The effect was even more significant among children living in households well below the Federal Poverty Level. The intervention was effective regardless of whether the coordinator was able to provide services in person or via telephone and mail.
Conclusion: The dental care coordinator intervention significantly increased dental utilization compared with similar children who received routine Medicaid member services. Public health programs and communities endeavoring to reduce oral health disparities may want to consider incorporating a dental care coordinator along with other initiatives to increase dental utilization by disadvantaged children.
Study Design: RCT
Setting: Jefferson County in Louisville, KY
Population of Focus: Children aged 4-15 years who currently or for 2 years prior had Medicaid insurance but have not had Medicaid dental claims filed for the previous 2 years
Data Source: Medicaid claims
Sample Size: Intervention (n=68) Control (n=68)
Age Range: not specified
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