Pellechia, K., Soto, V., Haake, M., & Schneider, J. (2017). Development and implementation of a loving support makes breastfeeding work social media toolkit for WIC staff. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 49(7), S212-S213.
Intervention Components (click on component to see a list of all articles that use that intervention): PATIENT_CONSUMER, Educational Materials, Other Education, Technology-Based Support, COMMUNITY, Social Media, Social Supports,
Intervention Description: Social media crosses socioeconomic and geographic lines and can inform and empower people, increase communication speed, and mobilize partnerships. Through the dissemination of standardized messages and graphics, social media can be optimized for the delivery of evidence-based nutrition information. In 2014, the USDA launched a mobile-responsive Web site to assist WIC staff in engaging participants and community partners. Resources included posters, brochures, videos, widgets, graphics, and BF peer counseling training. Recognizing the opportunity for spreading messages via social media, the Web site was enhanced with the addition of a social media toolkit for World Breastfeeding Week/National Breastfeeding Month (August, 2016). The goal of the project was to create sample graphics and messages based on the campaign that could be used by WIC agencies and partners to reach participants, eligible participants, and the public. Messages were developed using content from the Loving Support campaign materials and Loving Support Peer Counseling Training. Agencies were encouraged to link to the Loving Support Web site and use the hashtag #WICLovingSupport in their posts. Agencies could also customize the messages and graphics as needed to promote their own activities and events. The toolkit included Facebook covers and posts, Twitter headers and posts, a Twibbon, an Instagram post, and an e-card. A guide to using the toolkit with sample messages was created as well. The Figure shows sample images and messages.
Intervention Results: The toolkit was launched on July 12, 2016 and received 4,319 page views by the end of August. Overall there were 9,432 downloads of all Loving Support materials and 29,745 page views to the Loving Support Web site. This was a 50% increase in page views and a 17% increase in downloads over the previous month, before the launch of the toolkit. Use of the toolkit continued since August with 1,507 page views between August, 2016 and February, 2017. The number of users for that same period was 5,007 (new and returning users). There were 2,342 downloads of social media graphics, with Facebook covers and posts, the e-card, and Instagram posts as the most downloaded items.
The Twibbon campaign had 36 supporters. A TweetReach snapshot report from August 2 to August 6 (during World Breastfeeding Week) showed that the hashtag #WICLovingSupport had 60 tweets from 40 contributors, 287,820 accounts reached (the number of people who likely saw content), and 362,607 impressions (the number of times people likely reached).
Conclusion: Translating policy and guidance into action-oriented messages that WIC agencies can easily use and disseminate can increase the exposure of evidence-based nutrition messages. Although it is a relatively low-cost communication strategy, social media involves a high cost in time and attention needed to maintain an active presence.8 By providing a ready-to-go social media toolkit, the Food and Nutrition Service was able to offer consistent messaging, but it also reduced WIC staff workload and reached many people with information about BF promotion and support.
Study Design: Program evaluation
Setting: Social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Population of Focus: WIC staff
Sample Size: 5,007 new and returning users
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